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Weeknotes 18: Fool’s Spring


  • Downright lovely outside. 72°F in the backyard on Tuesday! All the plants are starting to bloom. I feel bad that they don’t know what’s coming. Really looking forward to spending every late afternoon and weekend out back gardening and grilling. When did I turn into a lawn dad?

  • Last summer, we started composting with WasteNot. They bring out a five-gallon bucket for your food scraps, paper bits, and a surprising amount of other stuff (their rule of thumb: "If it grows, it goes!"). In a week or two, you put it out front and they swing by (in an electric van!) and swap it for another empty one. You can even request an allotment of the finished compost for your garden. We were truly amazed at how much less trash we were generating after we started, and just upped to weekly service. Cannot recommend them highly enough.

  • Reminder to myself: It’s okay if we don’t consume all of the world’s information before we die:

    There is no point in time where we have had more access to information than we do now. You could cut out every single possible nanosecond of silence and never make it through.

  • Met a very good cat named Pound Cake.
