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Weeknotes 29: Chekhov’s Heel


  • Puppy went in for annual maintenance and got all her fluids topped off. Every time, we marvel at how the vet is more thorough, compassionate, and engaged than almost any of our human healthcare providers. No rushing, no dismissing. Referral to a specialist? Sure, how’s tomorrow? Lucky dog.

  • Speaking of human health: my heel has been ever so slightly sore on and off for a few weeks. This is not interesting or important; just putting it here apropos of nothing so when it becomes a major plot point months from now, I can point back with a big "welp."

  • Birthday weekend for my darling wife! Highlights: new cocktail menu at The Meadowlark, channeling our inner 20-somethings with friends on a rainy evening at Federales, and dinner at Tre Dita.

  • Inverse review: long video good!
