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Weeknotes 33: Assaisonnées


  • Spent the first 36 hours of my business trip quarantined in my hotel room waiting to see which way my post-nasal drip and sore throat were gonna go. Thankfully not flu or strep or COVID and cleared up pretty quick. Be careful out there folks.

  • Bless Canada’s willingness to sell you pseudoephedrine without a cavity search.

  • Looking forward to spending more time in Toronto in the coming years. I was pretty heads down this time, but still managed to wander around the waterfront a bit. Any town with streetcars is a-ok in my book.

  • Every time I will smuggle back a mind-boggling quantity of all-dressed chips:

    [The flavor is described] as a mix of ketchup, barbecue sauce, sour cream and onion, and salt & vinegar.

    We really can have it all!

  • Home just in time to enjoy a little bit of Chicago summer at the Logan Square Arts Festival and the patio at Parson’s.
