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Weeknotes 34: Blue Beanie Emeritus


  • Enjoying the full-artillery-barrage energy our neighborhood always brings to the 4th of July. Keeping the garden hose nearby…

  • Rounded the week out with a lovely little backyard party with friends. Never let me forget how perfect Chicago is in the summertime.

  • Small website improvements corner: fiddled with the markup with microformats in mind. Should be a bit easier to pluck out locations, dates, and other attributes now, even though I think we’ve all given up on such things long ago.

  • Really feeling nostalgic for the web standards community I came up in: reading Jeffrey Zeldman and Eric Meyer and flipping through the CSS Zen Garden and thinking about progressive enhancement and polyfills.

  • We’ve just made everything so much more complicated and lost so much empathy. Computers can be fun when you use them to make things easier!

  • I am in a mood apparently!
