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Weeknotes 39: Back in the Saddle


  • Somehow this week was my first time back on a bicycle since Norway. It feels amazing to be able to use a bike to do useful work like running an errand or getting to an appointment faster than you could have driven.

  • Still well over 500 miles cycled for the year. My original goal of 1,000 is starting to fade a bit out of sight as colder weather looms, but who knows!

  • Beautiful weekend for the Air and Water Show. This year, we set up camp on the beach with a bunch of friends.

  • I spent a good chunk of the night before frantically digging through my closet for my old cameras and big glass, most of which hasn’t gotten a workout since our trip to Africa almost five years ago. A good reminder for me that a camera is like a hammer: a study, reliable tool that wants to be used, not babied.

  • Batteries, on the other head, are fragile volatile babies. Shockingly coaxed a few of them into taking a partial charge, but they’ll be treated with the side-eye any old lithium pack deserves going forward. Terrified that they’d just been slowly degrading in a bankers box for half a decade.

  • I really missed the feeling of a full-size SLR body with a big chunky battery grip that fits perfectly in your hand and just happily machine-guns 10 RAW frames a second all day long. It’s hard to imagine ever going back to carrying that kind of kit around, but I don’t see how I’ll ever be able to get rid of any of it.

    Lieutenant Commander Amanda Lee flies over the 2024 Chicago Air & Water Show in Blue Angel #4

  • Really need to rethink how I handle images on this site. Even a simple little lightbox would be a nice improvement. Add it to the to-do list…
