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Weeknotes 42: Cognitohazard of Filth


  • Took my first ride on the Dickens Greenway to get home from an errand in Lincoln Park. So nice to have a safe(ish) bike route (almost) all the way to the lake.

  • We got a new vacuum that came with something called the "Fluffy Optic™ cleaner head". It’s actually a pretty clever idea: cast a bright light at just the right angle so that the tiniest particles of dust cast massive shadows. The only trade-off is that using it once curses you with the knowledge that even things that look clean are caked in a thick layer of unescapable filth.

A vacuum cleaner head with a green light coming out of it, making small pieces of dust cast large visible shadows

  • You should seriously need to be cleared by a therapist or sign some kind of waiver before you’re allowed to purchase this thing. It’s pure cognitohazard.

  • Rounded out the weekend with trips to the farmers market and bringing home entirely too many grillables from Publican Quality Meats.

  • A very brave dog is all caught up on her shots for the year. Her people should follow in her brave example now that this year’s COVID & flu shots are out. A very cute, very sleepy dog splayed out on a furry blanket
