Weeknotes 66: A Peculiar Angle
Doing a lot of “cutting the wings off while we’re still flying around” stuff at work lately. Is this why I’m clenching my jaw constantly? Impossible to tell.
Trying to increase my calm with a yoga practice has been complicated by the fact that I’m aggressively, cartoonishly awful at yoga. Hoping there’s still some physical or psychological benefit to just sort of gently vibrating while trying to hold my body at a peculiar angle.
Also deployed my other secret weapon for inner peace: rearranging all the furniture in a room for no apparent reason.
Lovely Valentine’s dinner at Obélix. Trying to make a habit of weeknight dinners on the town to limit the number of days this winter where I never cross the threshold of an exterior door.
Another entry in the “whatever your opinion on AI, people have no idea how to sell it” file[1]: this Defector recap of Salesforce’s AI ad from the Super Bowl:
Nobody in this commercial, or anywhere, actually needs any of this shit. There is no evidence that the other, competent restaurant uses AI at all, or that the other diners needed an AI agent in a booking app to get themselves out of the rain, or that the Harrelson throuple did anything other than order their food off a menu like actual human beings. They are normal people doing normal things in a normal way; only McConaughey needs the power of AI to avoid rain and purchase food, two things mankind has been doing successfully for thousands of years.
A thing I’ve always wanted and might need to just make for myself: a fog of war map for where I’ve been in the real world. Just some little app running in the background on my phone all the time, gradually revealing a few hundred feet in all directions. Strava heatmaps kind of manage this for biking, but I want it all!
Of course, the biggest problem with building this now would be missing out on decades of already-revealed bits of the world. Maybe I just need to do it for a single year, Feltron Annual Report-style.
Life is short; lick the tape.