Weeknotes 16: Plate Lunch
We got back from Hawaii at the crack of dawn this morning. Hello from whatever time zone my brain is currently sliding through on the way back to normal.
Beyond just being a pleasant place to spend some time, we’ve got a lot of history on O’ahu. My dad grew up there, and it was the first place I ever travelled as a baby. We’ve still got family there and they were nice enough to let us housesit.
Could get used to being woken up by the breeze and wandering down to the beach to watch the sun rise every day.
It was basically my perfect idea of a trip: one or two touristy things max, lots of walking around looking at stuff, no conception of what time it is at any point.
Contrasting with our previous discussion of insulation, enter Hawaiian construction: no heat, no air conditioning, lots of windows that you never close. My grandmother’s old house even had a big cutout in the middle of the living room ceiling where it just rained into the house.
On the flight out, I watched more movies than I have in the last year: Dumb Money (ok, but I maybe knew too much of the story going in), Pitch Perfect (always a banger), Pitch Perfect 2 (our friends are back, with a few new faces!), Pitch Perfect 3 (a loose collection of events occurring somewhat in chronological order).
Also finished two books: Test Gods by Nicholas Schmidle and Extremely Hardcore by Zoë Schiffer, both of which were really good. Maybe I will even read a fiction book someday, who knows!
Koi get much bigger than I would’ve thought.