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Weeknotes 16: Plate Lunch


  • We got back from Hawaii at the crack of dawn this morning. Hello from whatever time zone my brain is currently sliding through on the way back to normal.

  • Beyond just being a pleasant place to spend some time, we’ve got a lot of history on O’ahu. My dad grew up there, and it was the first place I ever travelled as a baby. We’ve still got family there and they were nice enough to let us housesit.

  • Could get used to being woken up by the breeze and wandering down to the beach to watch the sun rise every day.

  • It was basically my perfect idea of a trip: one or two touristy things max, lots of walking around looking at stuff, no conception of what time it is at any point.

  • Contrasting with our previous discussion of insulation, enter Hawaiian construction: no heat, no air conditioning, lots of windows that you never close. My grandmother’s old house even had a big cutout in the middle of the living room ceiling where it just rained into the house.

  • On the flight out, I watched more movies than I have in the last year: Dumb Money (ok, but I maybe knew too much of the story going in), Pitch Perfect (always a banger), Pitch Perfect 2 (our friends are back, with a few new faces!), Pitch Perfect 3 (a loose collection of events occurring somewhat in chronological order).

  • Also finished two books: Test Gods by Nicholas Schmidle and Extremely Hardcore by Zoë Schiffer, both of which were really good. Maybe I will even read a fiction book someday, who knows!

  • Koi get much bigger than I would’ve thought.
