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Weeknotes 20: A Vote for Anarchy!


  • Finally got confirmation that our Illinois ballots were counted in the primary. I used to be a lot more of a politics junkie before all the **waves hands around wildly** and wow, I do not miss the March Madness of it all. Can’t help but think of The Simpsons with every campaign ad I’ve seen from both parties so far this cycle: Martin & Bart's campaigns for Class President hanging their campaign posters. Both slogans are "A Vote for Bart is a Vote for Anarchy!"

  • Played with a Leica M11 for a few days and I can see why people say the Q is a gateway drug to it. Not quite a fit for how I want to use a daily driver, but I can see the appeal of a slower approach to photography.

  • Completed the bidecadal replacement of all the eyeglasses in the house. For somebody who cannot cross a room without aid, it’s wild how resistant I am to ever getting a new pair. Got two pairs of sunglasses this time. Living large.

  • Yes, they are basically identical to the glasses as I had before. This will happen whether I try to avoid it or not, so I’ve learned to just let it go.

  • Culled a bunch of parked domains, including a handful that were runners up to host this very website. Farewell to some real gems.

  • I’m "banterability" pretty much everywhere. I was lucky to grab a unique word[1], even though it is long and awful to read. Wondering if today’s kids get training in username selection the same way they tried to teach us how to use paper checks.

  1. The key to having a word all to yourself is making it up. ↩︎
