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Weeknotes 21: 37


  • I am a year older.

  • Highlights: a lovely surprise steel bracelet for my beloved Oak and Oscar Olmsted watch and the tasting menu at Smyth with some friends old and new.

  • Camera Corner (cont.): got my hands on a Q3 and found the tilting screen to – surprise, surprise – actually be kind of handy. That and not needing to carry a charger could actually add up to a day-to-day difference, assuming my Q2 has held some resale value and I can ever find one in stock.

  • The weather was finally nice enough to get the outside bike up and running for the year. I was pretty maintenance-avoidant when I was shopping (belt drives are amazing!), so with some air in the tires I was up and running. It feels great to not need the car for those two-miles-away-with-an-awkwardly-sized-box errands.

  • I’ve always wanted to write one of those "things I’ve learned this year" posts around my birthday. Maybe in 2025. In lieu of that: a partial list of words I have never spelled correctly on the first attempt: maintenance, initialize, gauges, rendezvous, precedent, separates, rehearsal, repertoire.

  • One more thing: Once again gainfully employed. More on that soon…
