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Weeknotes 22: 93.9%


  • Eclipse! We flirted with the idea of driving down into Southern Illinois or Indiana to try to catch totality, but made no real arrangements and both the weather and the roads looked like they were in rapid decline Monday morning, so we enjoyed a beautiful day in the back yard instead.

  • Chicago still got to enjoy 93.9 percent of the eclipse, though as Annie Dillard said[1]:

    Seeing a partial eclipse bears the same relation to seeing a total eclipse as kissing a man does to marrying him, or as flying in an airplane does to falling out of an airplane.

  • Though really, why wait for something so majestic to come to you? Anyone up for Iceland or Spain in 2026 or Sydney in 2028?

  • Getting ready to get back to the working world next week. Prepared myself emotionally by putting together a new keyboard, which is clackity like a bingo cage and weighs north of seven pounds for that authentic top-of-the-line hacking deck feel. A computer keyboard, partially assembled

  • For the detail lovers: it’s a Mode Loop TKL with Tomorrow Tactile switches and MV Terminal (R2) keycaps.

  • Now I just need a clean desk to put it on. A project for the coming week for sure.

  • 72° on Saturday. 82° and sunny today. Remarkably lovely for early April. Trying to enjoy every second of it out in the yard.

  • Small improvement corner: Added an About page. Just a colophon and a few links for now, but eventually, when a moment without shame emerges, I’ll try to write a proper bio.

  1. Hat tip to Ingrid Burrington’s Perfect Sentences newsletter. ↩︎
