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Weeknotes 25: Microtransactions


  • Been making a real habit of riding the bike more this year, outside when I can and on the Peloton when I can’t. HealthKit works well as a central source of truth but really doesn’t make it easy to answer a question in any form other than a bar/line graph.

  • Kellan had the same problem and put together some Swift that I was able to fork to add a few other time ranges I cared about. Apparently, I cycled about 88 miles last year. So far in 2024, I’m sneaking up on 300 miles. Gonna see if I can break 1,000 before year’s end.

  • Wow, I sure do not know iOS development! I’m not the biggest "AI-all-the-things!" booster, but I will admit it’s occasionally handy for "I know what I want, and I know how I’d ask for it in three other languages, just not Swift." Put another way: if and only if you have sufficient context to understand when the response is just completely wrong, it be can a helpful way to get unstuck.

  • Every month, Amazon Web Services, a division of a company with a market cap of just shy of $2,000,000,000,000.00, sends me a bill for $0.02[1]. Presumably I’ve left something rotting in an S3 bucket for a decade and forgotten about it. I get the email, and I think "Hmm, I should figure out what that is," but the time it takes my brain to formulate that is already worth more than two cents of my sweet precious life.

  • Compare that to, where I host a few Remix projects, which sends me this email once a month:

    We don’t collect bills smaller than $5.00. This month, your bill falls below that threshold, so we’re discounting it by 100%.

  • Small improvement corner: posts have always had a location associated with them, but it wasn’t exposed anywhere. Now it is. It’s basically always gonna say "Chicago", but there are a few treats sprinkled in some earlier weeknotes.

  1. I guess they didn’t get rich by writing a lot of checks. ↩︎
