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Weeknotes 26: How to Remember


  • Spent the back half of the week in southern Minnesota with family. Unexpected perk of being in the middle of nowhere: no light pollution to get in the way of enjoying the surprise aurora: The Northern Lights

  • Hoo boy, have I missed working with Ruby on Rails. Generators! Inflectors! Convention over configuration! Good stuff.

  • I have not missed getting a working Ruby setup on the Mac. This guide did the trick in about 30 minutes. Maybe harder than it used to be, but at least you own the universe at the end instead of constantly trying to sudo and chown your way around a bunch of increasingly locked down system files.

  • Always sit on the left side of the plane when you’re flying into Chicago[1]: Downtown Chicago through an airplane window

  • Aside from this Adam Savage Q&A that’s stuck in my brain:

    "One of the key things magicians do is not tricks in front of you. One of the most important things they’re doing is happening commensurate with that: they are telling you how to remember what they did."

  1. At least during the ~60% of the time when they’re using the 27/28 runways in West Flow. Otherwise, enjoy your view of Schaumburg. ↩︎
