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Weeknotes 17: Desk Rainbow


  • Surprise redesign! Still some work to do on the index page and handling layout for very wide screens, but I think things look a little cleaner now. Also got rid of the reset sheet and a lot of the asset bundling that was just overkill for a relatively small stylesheet.

  • Is it too orangey? Maybe. Mostly trying to push back on my natural instinct to make everything blue.

  • Last note in small improvement corner: Realized I wasn’t shipping any diacritics in my font stack, and we simply cannot live without umlauts, can we Mötley Crüe?

  • Pouring one out for A Book Apart winding things down after 14 years. I’ve collected at least two dozen of the physical editions in a beautiful little rainbow over my desk. Reflecting fondly on the number of brilliant thinkers they gave a megaphone to over the years to preach a more thoughtful approach to frontend.
